Thursday, April 9, 2015

Blog #3

The poem that I really enjoyed was Since there's no help by Michael Drayton. When reading this poem I kept thinking that the narrator was dying himself. He was suffering from an illness and he is now happy that he is going to be free from it. That he doesn't have to live on with the hurt that his wife was seeing in him. But then when I read it again I was confused when he said he was canceling his vows, that he can finally be free. Then suddenly, I realized the shift on line 8, this is where I realized that he was leaving his wife (with the help of Ms. Bavaro as well). But why would he want to leave his wife? That is something we don't know. The amount of detail and imagery put into this poem is what I enjoyed about Drayton. With capitalizing words like Love, Passion, etc., that is where I saw that it's important. The love is gone, and before I never realized that love could fade but it does. People fall in and out of love all the time. Maybe from the amount of pain and hurt that these spouses went through in their life that that is how they faded away from each other. But the part that really got to me is the ending, where the narrator wanted hope. Hope that one day they could possibly love again but for now he has to recover from this divorce he wants with her. Some of the questions were difficult because I didn't understand the questions, or the words to the questions (only if I looked them up) which wasn't fair to me. But other then that, it was easy to follow along what the question asked.

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