Monday, June 8, 2015

1984: Literature in Film #3

I didn't know that they made not one but two movies about 1984, which was one of the books that I enjoyed getting into. In the movie, I feel that they made the character what I kind of pictured, like Winston and Julia. With seeing Winston throughout the portion of the movie that I watched, you could see that he was tired with the bags under his eyes by the Party and Big Brother basically running his life. Julia was quite beautiful and she didn't seem seductive like how she was betrayed in the book. It's funny that they released the movie in 1984, and how realistic is seemed to how it was in the book as well. 1980's movies are sort of different then how they are now. You could tell that it was quite old because of the picture. I've always liked books better then movies though, you actually get to know the character better then in a movie. You can feel and visualize the emotions of the character, and their thoughts which you can't see in a movie.

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